Back to August 29
Castle Carom
Level Screenshot: Castle Carom
Action Themed

Bowser Jr. didn't want to be left out of the construction effort, so he built a custom bouncy house to calm his father's nerves. The end result is appropriately colorful and cheerful, with some spikes and a fight against King Boom Boom for good measure. Bowser’s sure to enjoy this massive momentum-based mansion!

Maker Mii: choo_choo!

After playing the 4YMM levels, choo_choo set his mind on joining 5YMM. He is now super happy to be working with some of his favorite makers. Beyond making Mario levels with wacky mechanics, choo_choo enjoys such things as hugs, secrets in games, alliteration, and 3DW (both the game style and the actual game). He is also one of the Jampers that has been invited to the party this year (represent)!